Peking University- Sciences Po Dual Master's Degree in International Relations Prospectus for 2024 Entry

The PKU-Sciences Po Dual Master's Degree is a collaborative program on general international studies. This dual-degree program is multidisciplinary by nature, which covers international relations, international political economy, and emerging subjects like energy and environmental studies. It emphasizes multi-cultural perspectives on global security and developmental issues and provides a unique opportunity for students to study international affairs in Paris and in Beijing.


Application Eligibility


All non-PRC students must meet the application eligibility of PKU International Graduate Student, click here https://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/graduate/shushi.html

Non-PRC students' nationalities refer to these recognized by the Chinese government; Chinese government does not accept the British overseas resident(BNO) passport; applicants with dual nationality, after admitted, must enter mainland China using the same nationality as they apply and go through the registration procedures.



*Residents of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who have emigrated to other countries and are applying for Peking University as international students must present valid passports or citizenship documents dating before April 30, 2018 along with proof of cancellation of Chinese nationality. Please be noted that the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of China reserves the right to judge whether an applicant still has Chinese nationality. If during the application period or even after the admission or registration the applicant is judged to be still holding Chinese nationality, his/her application, admission, registration or even enrollment will be nullified.


Application Process


All students should complete the application procedures at both Sciences Po and PKU.


At Sciences Po:


To apply for PKU- Sciences Po Double Master's Degree Program, please visit: http://www.sciencespo.fr/psia/content/dual-degree-peking-university

All applicants should apply online before January 14, 2024 Paris time via:





All non-PRC students, upon accepting the offer, must go to the PKU online application/pre-registration system http://www.studyatpku.com/, fill in the PKU form, upload documents below and pay the pre-registration fee online before March 31, 2024 Beijing time. Project codeSIS-Sciences Po 2024


1) Graduation and degree certificates and degree authentication in Chinese or English. For degree certificates in other languages, applicants are required to upload both the original copy and a notarized copy in Chinese or English. Degree diplomas awarded by overseas universities must be authenticated by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Ministry of Education, P. R. China (CSCSE). Degree diplomas awarded by universities on the Chinese mainland must be authenticated by the Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education, P. R. China (CSSD).

Note: Applicants who graduated before 2024 must upload their degree authentication report during the application period. Applicants expected to graduate in 2024 must provide an official letter from their current university stating their expected graduation date, submit their certificate of graduation upon being pre-admitted, and present their original degree diploma upon registration.

2) Official transcripts of the applicant's academic achievement, including courses taken and standards achieved. These must be original documents or notarized copies either in Chinese or English.

3) A personal statement.

Please click the link to download the template: https://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/down/shen/ru.html

4) Resume and a copy of the Commitment for Application. Please click the link to download the template for the Commitment:


5) Two recommendation letters. Once applicants submit the application the application system will send a link to the recommenders, and the recommenders should click the link and complete the recommendation either by filling out the form online or by uploading the scanned copy of the signed letter.

Click the link to download the template: https://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/down/shen/ru.html

6) Original English language test scores*

7) Information page of the valid passport (passport type must be ordinary). The passport's date of expiry should be after December 2024.

8) Table of contents and abstracts of the applicant's academic publications and any other original achievements in his/her field (if applicable).

9) Additional application documents.

Note: Applicants should scan the original or notarized application documents in color using a scanner. Images captured by mobile phone or camera are NOT acceptable.

* English test should be taken after September 1, 2022. A student is exempt from English requirement if his/her first language is English or he/she has obtained a degree in an English-taught program in an English-speaking country after September 1, 2019.


IELTS: 7.0 or above (each band 6.5 or above)

TOEFL: IBT(or Home edition)100 or above

Linguaskills: 180


Please refer to:


The pre-admitted candidates should download and print the application form and, together with other required original application documents (except for degree diploma and recommendation letters), deliver or mail the materials to: office for international programs (B101), School of International Studies, Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian, 100871, Beijing China. Tel: 86-10-62759199. Unless otherwise notified, PKU needs to receive this package by April 15, 2024.




The joint committee will make pre-admission decisions after reviewing all the application documents and conducting interviews, and then submit the pre-admission list to the University.


Study Duration and Degree Conferral


The PKU-Sciences Po dual degree is a two-year full-time academic program. Upon successful completion of studies at both institutions, students will be conferred Master Degree of Law and Master Degree of International Affairs by PKU and Master Degree (with specialization in International Affairs) by Sciences Po respectively.


Teaching Arrangements


Students spend their first year at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po, where they can choose from the 7 specialized subjects in international affairs. In the second year, students will study at the School of International Studies (SIS), Peking University, for the degree of Master of International Relations, whose focus is on security and development issues and a regional focus on China and the Asia-Pacific region.


Year 1 at Sciences Po


Students must take at least one course within the concentration “Asian Studies” (unless they have already opted for such concentration) and will be encouraged to take more China related courses. Besides, they have the option to take one language class at Sciences Po per semester, and will be encouraged to study Chinese language unless they have a very high level already.


Year 2 at Peking University


At Peking University, each student is required to write a thesis. According to PKU's requirements, the student should submit a thesis and attend oral defense for the thesis by the end of Semester 4. International students are required to take Chinese language courses.

Course offering is available in the Handbook https://www.sis.pku.edu.cn/internationalexchange10064/international_overseas_7511/international_download_7517/index.htm

New Course offering will be available before the start of the academic year.


Credit Requirements and Progress


1. First-year credit and progress requirements: Students in this program must obtain at least 60 credits at the end of the second semester before they can start the second-year study. At the end of the first academic year, joint committee will review the academic performance of each student and decide whether they can progress to the second academic year.

2. Second-year credit requirements: At the end of the second academic year, students should obtain the required credits and complete the graduation thesis and defense. Those who fail to meet the requirements must extend at least one semester. During study extension period, students shall pay fees in accordance with the relevant regulations of Peking University.


Tuition Fee and Funding


For 2024 entry, the tuition fee for international students at PKU is RMB 95,000 yuan. The tuition fee for year one at Sciences Po, please visit http://www.sciencespo.fr/students/en/fees-funding/tuition-fees

According to the agreement by Sciences Po and Peking University, Sciences Po will provide ONE scholarship for students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan based on the application materials to the dual degree program, while Peking University will provide ONE scholarship, approximately USD 10,000 to international students based on year one performance of the dual degree at PSIA, Sciences Po.

During the year one study at Sciences Po, international students can also apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship for year two. Information is provided by the Chinese Scholarship Council (http://www.csc.edu.cn) and the Chinese Embassy of the student's country of origin.




After graduation, students from the program have been employed in a wide variety of international organizations (such as International Energy Agency), government agencies (i.e. Chinese/French Ministry of Foreign Affairs), financial companies (i.e. China Development Bank, The Export-Import Bank of China), consulting firms (i.e. Capgemini Consulting, Bain & Company), NGOs (i.e. China ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center), universities and research institutions( Wuhan University, in China), the media sector and think tanks. Some students continued to pursue their doctoral degree.


Contact at Peking University:

Email: sis@pku.edu.cn

Tel: 8610-6275-9199


Please refer to https://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/graduate/shushi.html for Chinese visa and other information at PKU.


Contact at Sciences Po:

 For questions regarding admission procedures (application, scholarship, requirements, etc.), please contact:http://www.sciencespo.fr/admissions/en/content/contact-us-1187

For further queries, please contact Huayin Liu - Sciences Po Representatives in China or info.chine@sciencespo.fr

PSIA: please contact the academic advisor for the Master you are applying to. https://www.sciencespo.fr/psia/about-us/contact